Open Book Management
Imagine being assigned the task of managing a house build and you are expected to provide
excellent performance. You go about completing tasks as best as you know how but have no
idea which materials will arrive and when, what the due dates are for vendor’s bills, how much
money is in the checking account, how many workers you should have each week. So you do a
fairly good job throughout the project but there were unfortunate assumptions made, timing
mistakes, unnecessary expenses, and more labor costs than should have been. You could
have done a better job if you had better information.
Read the amazing story of how Open Book Management was developed by Jack Stack to get
his company, Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation, out of a difficult financial situation and
save the jobs of hundreds of employees.
Jack Stack and Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation later formed an organization, The Great Game of Business, to promote Open Book Management and to provide training to companies that want to use this approach.
Jack Stack and Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation later formed an organization, The Great Game of Business, to promote Open Book Management and to provide training to companies that want to use this approach.
There are now many companies that practice Open Book Management
It is an approach that provides workers the information they need to understand how their work affects the company’s finances and therefore their long term benefit from working there. They no longer have to wonder how well the company is doing and if their source of employment is secure because those figures such and profit, cash flow, and net worth are readily available. It is a system that includes them in management decisions and allows for their input.
Our Mission
Our goal is that every employee is paid at, or above, a living wage. Team culture does not come automatically - we must work to achieve and maintain it.